Tarja Halonen was born on 24 December 1943 in the district of Kallio,She obtained a Master of Laws degree from the University of Helsinki in 1968. Halonen served as the Social Affairs Secretary and General Secretary of the National Union of Students (SYL) from 1969 to 1970.
In 1974 Prime Minister Kalevi Sorsa appointed Halonen as a parliamentary secretary. From 1975 until 1996, she was a member of Helsinki City Council. She served as a member of Parliament until her inauguration as President in 2000. In the Parliament her first formal post was as Chairman of the Social Committee from 1984 to 1987.
1.需要文学常识,生僻成语以及名篇名句背诵 1、“方折峻丽,骨力劲健”形容的是历史上哪位书法家的字?2、成语“咫尺天涯”中“咫”、“尺”都是古代计量单位,其中“咫”和“尺
说吃嘛嘛香的人叫什么 “牙口好,胃口就好,身体倍棒,吃嘛嘛香”,短短的一句广告词,让全国观众牢牢地记住了这个看起来憨厚善良、风趣幽默的李嘉存。准确地说,相声应该是李嘉存的专
学篆刻怎么入门? 您好,分享几本我看过而且觉得不错的书,供您参考,希望对您有所帮助。 1. 《篆刻艺术》 刘江 浙江美术出版社 2. 《篆刻五十讲》 吴颐人 上海书店出版社 3. 《